{"id":6873,"date":"2022-02-25T12:13:36","date_gmt":"2022-02-25T11:13:36","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.clinicadentalgrossdentistas.com\/hipersensibilidad-dental\/"},"modified":"2022-03-09T10:19:25","modified_gmt":"2022-03-09T09:19:25","slug":"dental-hypersensitivity","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.clinicadentalgrossdentistas.com\/en\/dental-hypersensitivity\/","title":{"rendered":"What factors cause dental hypersensitivity?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Preserving oral health is extremely important for anyone, since otherwise very unfavorable pathologies <\/strong>or discomforts <\/strong>may appear in the mouth that directly affect day to day life. An example of this is dental hypersensitivity, which affects around 57% of the healthy population<\/strong> and 84% of patients with untreated periodontal disease<\/strong>.<\/p>\n

But exactly\u2026 What is dental hypersensitivity? <\/strong>It corresponds to a brief and sharp pain <\/strong>that originates in response to an external stimulus.<\/strong> This stimulus can be tactile, osmotic or evaporative. In any case, dental hypersensitivity <\/strong>cannot be attributed to any other dental disease or defect.<\/p>\n

At Gross Dentistas <\/strong><\/a>we are very aware of how annoying this condition is for those who suffer from it, since it is present daily and their pain increases when they eat food, drink water, brush their teeth, among others. <\/strong>For this reason, we want you to know the factors that cause dental hypersensitivity<\/strong>, so that as far as possible, you can avoid it.<\/p>\n

Factors that cause hypersensitivity in the teeth<\/h2>\n

When we have some anomaly, discomfort or dental disease, the first thing we should ask ourselves is what factors<\/strong> have caused it. In the matter at hand, we want to show you a list of agents that promote what we call hypersensitivity in the teeth:<\/p>\n