{"id":6882,"date":"2021-09-29T15:51:49","date_gmt":"2021-09-29T14:51:49","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.clinicadentalgrossdentistas.com\/llagas-en-boca-y-lengua\/"},"modified":"2023-05-25T11:40:26","modified_gmt":"2023-05-25T10:40:26","slug":"mouth-sores","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.clinicadentalgrossdentistas.com\/en\/mouth-sores\/","title":{"rendered":"Mouth sores: what they are, why they appear and how they are cured"},"content":{"rendered":"

One of the most frequent oral pathologies <\/strong>is the appearance of sores in the mouth and tongue,<\/strong> also known as mouth ulcers<\/strong>. It is not a serious problem, but it is true that they can be very annoying.<\/p>\n

But\u2026 What must be done to cure them? And to prevent them? In today’s article we will talk about their origin<\/strong>, how to treat mouth sores <\/strong>and what to do to prevent them from appearing.<\/strong><\/p>\n

What is a sore?<\/h2>\n

Sores <\/strong>are lesions that appear in or around the oral cavity<\/strong>. It is an injury that acquires a whitish color<\/strong> that with the passing of days takes on a more yellowish color<\/strong>, and sometimes, it is usually accompanied by some redness.<\/p>\n

The most frequent canker sores usually appear on the lips, gums, tongue <\/strong>and even on the palate.<\/strong><\/p>\n

As for the size it presents<\/strong>, it can be very diverse, although as a general rule it does not usually exceed 8 millimeters<\/strong>. It is true that depending on the size of the ulcer it can be more or less uncomfortable.<\/p>\n

On the other hand, and due to receiving some preventive treatment<\/strong>, there are people who, due to genetic factors, are more likely to have mouth sores.<\/strong> In our dental clinic in Malaga <\/strong><\/a>we have specialists and, thanks to our recommendations, the appearance of these ulcers will decrease.<\/p>\n

Why do sores appear in the mouth?<\/h2>\n

Sometimes we may not find an explanation <\/strong>for why mouth sores appear in children<\/a> and adults<\/strong>. However, there are factors<\/strong> that tend to stimulate the outflow of canker sores such as:<\/strong><\/p>\n