{"id":7802,"date":"2022-05-26T16:16:13","date_gmt":"2022-05-26T15:16:13","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.clinicadentalgrossdentistas.com\/aftas-en-la-lengua\/"},"modified":"2023-07-21T12:43:33","modified_gmt":"2023-07-21T11:43:33","slug":"aftas-en-la-lengua","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.clinicadentalgrossdentistas.com\/en\/aftas-en-la-lengua\/","title":{"rendered":"Canker sores on the tongue: Symptoms, causes and prevention"},"content":{"rendered":"

It is common for our optimal oral health<\/strong> to be threatened by various pathologies. One of the most common are, without a doubt, canker sores on the tongue.<\/strong> But, exactly\u2026 What are canker sores?<\/p>\n

Canker sores correspond to small lesions or wounds<\/strong> that originate in the soft tissues<\/strong> of the mouth<\/strong> or even in the gums<\/strong>. These are different from herpes because they do not appear on the surface of the lips and because they are not contagious. However, they can become annoying and painful, and can cause problems when eating and\/or drinking.<\/p>\n

The sores usually go away on their own within a week or two. However, if you notice that you have large canker sores or you see that they do not heal over time, it is best to consult your trusted dentist<\/strong>, such as… Gross Dentists<\/a>!<\/strong><\/p>\n

Next, we are going to show you the symptoms <\/strong>of canker sores on the tongue, the causes <\/strong>and the prevention<\/strong> measures that exist to avoid contracting them\u2026 Keep reading!<\/p>\n

Symptoms of sores on the tongue<\/h2>\n

As we just mentioned, canker sores on the tongue can be annoying, and you will most likely feel a tingling and\/or burning sensation days before they appear.<\/p>\n

To know in depth the symptoms that can arise from these canker sores, it is important to note that there are several models of them.<\/p>\n

Minor thrush<\/h3>\n

These types of sores are the most common. They are usually small, oval in shape with a red border, and heal on their own without leaving traces or scars.<\/p>\n

Major canker sores<\/h3>\n

Major canker sores are less common. They are larger and deeper than the previous ones, they are round and have defined edges when they are smaller or irregular when they are larger, they can be very painful, they can take up to six weeks to heal and they can leave scars.<\/p>\n

Herpetiform ulcers<\/h3>\n

They are rare and usually appear in elderly people. Its size corresponds to the head of a filter, groups of 10 to 100 sores can form creating a large ulcer, its edges are irregular, they heal in a time of between one and two weeks, and they do not leave scars.<\/p>\n

What causes tongue sores?<\/h2>\n

The appearance of sores on the tongue can be the result of several triggers, such as:<\/p>\n