Brackets in Málaga

Conventional orthodontic braces

    What are brackets?

    Braces are the most conventional orthodontic system, well-know for us all. It is widely extended and known to all. It consists of a fixed multibrackets system adhered to the internal (lingual brackets) or external (vestibular brackets) surface of the tooth. Once each bracket has been placed on each tooth in a specific position (the doctor will determine the height and position of the braces depending on the movement required), wires (arches) of different thicknesses and materials are joined.

    The teeth will be aligned progressively until the aesthetic and functional results are reached.

    Types of braces

    Lingual orthodontics have the advantages of aesthetic orthodontics and the mechanics of braces orthodontics. It consists of placing the brackets (conventional or self-ligating) on the inside of the teeth.

    Despite having many advantages in terms of aesthetics and functioning, this technique has many disadvantages in terms of discomfort (sores or ulcers on the tongue due to continuous friction with braces and wires when speaking and eating), hygiene (it makes good brushing difficult as it is more tricky to clean correctly around the bracket on the inside of the teeth), and lastly, the price. Due to the anatomy of this dental surface, it will be necessary to use customised brackets for each patient, which increases the cost compared to a bracket system attached to the outside of the teeth.

    Don't wait any longer

    Contact doctor Concha Gross and tell her your case. We will advise you on which type of braces suits you best.

      Process of a conventional treatment with braces

      The step prior to starting any of these treatments is the same for any type of orthodontic treatment. An oral cleaning is carried out and we have to check if it is necessary to perform any previous general dentistry treatment.

      Once we have guaranteed the oral health of the patient, we can proceed with orthodontics.

      As mentioned in the section about orthodontic treatment with aligners, before starting a treatment with braces, it will be necessary to assess the state of the oral health of the patient. If it is necessary, it will be improved and an orthodontic study will be carried out.

      This study will require the same tests (intraoral and extraoral photographs, panoramic radiograph, teleradiography, dental CBCT in adult patients, and virtual models using an intraoral iTero scanner). It must be taken into account that before deciding to apply a treatment with braces or aligners, it is necessary to carry out a complete diagnosis to assess what suits best the patient’s needs.


      Treatments with braces require more care than orthodontic aligners, since these can cause more issues that need to be treated as emergencies and which we have to try to avoid for the correct evolution of the treatment.

      Use of dental wax to avoid sores and chafing

      The mucosa of the mouth is very delicate and the contact with new elements such as braces can cause damage, sores or chafing. These appear usually in the first days of the orthodontic treatment. However, these can be avoided if dental wax is used correctly —in the first visit, we will show you how to use it—.

      FAQ about brackets in Málaga

      Are you still unsure what type of bracket is best for you? Contact us without obligation.

      Are you looking for bracket orthodontics specialists in Málaga? Contact us and come to visit our dental clinic in Málaga and we will estimate the cost of your bracket orthodontics treatment and which one suits you best. We are located at Paseo de Reding, next to the Municipal Heritage Museum of Málaga.

        Where we are?

        Clinica Gross Malaga

        Clinic in Malaga
        Paseo Reding, 9, 5ª, 29016 Málaga
        How to get?

        Clinica Gross Torremolinos

        Clinic in Torremolinos
        Avenida Manuel Fraga Iribarne, 15, Local 4, 29620, Torremolinos
        How to get?

        Clinica Gross Malagueta

        Clinic in La Malagueta
        Paseo Reding, 21, 29016, Málaga
        How to get?

        Clinica Gross Teatinos

        Clinic in Teatinos
        Calle Mesonero Romanos, 14, 29010 Málaga
        How to get?

        Nueva clínica

        Clinic in Parque Litoral
        Avenida Imperio Argentina, 23, 29004 Málaga
        How to get?

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