Make an emergency appointment at Gross Dentistas: We DO respond to dental emergencies.
Dental emergencies
At Gross Dentistas we will assist you at any time. It does not matter if it is weekend or bank holiday.
Call us at the emergency number to make an appointment and a dentist will attend your query. Our specialists will help you whatever emergency you have.
A broken tooth or an infection are two of the most painful things that can happen to us and with these, it is not always possible to hold on and wait for the consultation to be open. Therefore, our emergency dentist will help you on the phone right at the moment.
Types of dental emergencies
Usually, dental emergencies are classified into two types:

Traumatic emergencies
Traumatic emergencies can be due to a blow, an accident, a contusion. On weekends it is common to enjoy the spare time playing sports, and suddenly we have an accident and a blow to the teeth can occur when hitting against a hard surface. If this happens, give us a call.

Infectious emergencies
Sometimes a bacterial infection can occur at a most inopportune time. If this is your case, give us a call. Call us if this is your case.
Contact us
If you prefer to come to the clinic during our normal business hours, please fill out the following form and request an appointment with our specialists: