Do invisible brackets work effectively? Newest orthodontics

Invisible brackets are the most aesthetic, comfortable and innovative orthodontic treatment that currently exists to align your teeth and achieve the perfect smile.

The main difference with traditional metal and ceramic brackets is their transparent aesthetics and the fact that they are not fixed, but removable. All these differences that have been incorporated into orthodontic techniques can make patients doubt their effectiveness. But in this article we are going to explain that these invisible braces work just as effectively as the others and with some added advantages.

Invisible braces that we work with at Gross Dentistas

At Gross Dentistas we work with Invisalign, invisible brackets made up of removable transparent aligners. There are several types of orthodontics:

  • Invisalign i7: these are used to correct the simplest cases, such as slight movements or the correction of relapses from previous orthodontic treatment.
  • Invisalign Lite: these treatments are intermediate and last between six and eight months. You can request 14 aligners and if you want to continue improving the result at the end of the process, Invisalign includes a second phase of another 14 aligners at no additional cost. Problems with space closures, rotations, slightly open bites… can be corrected.
  • Invisalign Comprehensive: these invisible brackets can make malocclusion changes in all three planes of space and with any complexity. They last longer and require more aligners.

What are the advantages of treatment with invisible brackets?

The advantages of using Invisalign invisible brackets, apart from the fact that they work perfectly, are the following:

  • Comfort: as they have no metal components, the likelihood of chafing and sores on the inside of the cheeks is reduced.
  • Hygiene: these invisible Invisalign brackets must be removed to eat and brush your teeth. This requires more responsibility on the part of the patient as they have to wear them for 22 hours a day, but at the same time it makes brushing and dental hygiene much easier.
  • Fewer emergencies: not having elements attached to the tooth also reduces the number of emergencies and visits to the dentist.
  • Aesthetics: this is undoubtedly the advantage that people who choose invisible braces look for the most. Adults who want to improve their smile but are afraid that traditional braces will affect their image at work, find the perfect solution in Invisalign.

How do I take care for Invisalign clear aligners?

In addition to the increased responsibility that patients who choose Invisalign have to wear them 22 hours a day, there is also the care of these aligners.

Follow the advice we give you in our dental clinic in Malaga to keep them clean and hygienic:

  • After every meal you will have to brush your teeth, something you have to do whether you are undergoing invisible orthodontic treatment or not.
  • Brush your aligners with your toothbrush and warm water.
  • Do not use other products such as soap, as the material of the invisible brackets makes them unnecessary.

Common questions about invisible braces treatment

In addition to wondering if invisible braces really work, our patients have other frequent doubts about this treatment, such as the following:

  • Duration: treatment with aligners does not have to be slower than traditional braces. We can optimise the total treatment time thanks to the initial virtual planning we carry out.
  • Pain: when starting with Invisalign you may notice some discomfort, as well as when changing aligners. But this is normal and only lasts a couple of days at most.
  • Age: although invisible brackets are really suitable for adults, children from the age of 6 can wear clear aligners.

For more information about invisible braces and how they work, please make an appointment.

Ortodoncista Dra. Concha Gross de Bethencourt

Ortodoncista especializada en el sistema de ortodoncia invisible, extensa trayectoria profesional y un gran número de pacientes satisfechos con los resultados obtenidos tras la finalización de su tratamiento.

Doctoralia | Masquemédicos | Topdoctors

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