Discover what lingual orthodontics is, its advantages and disadvantages

Correcting possible irregularities or defects in the teeth is essential to enjoy a fully functional and healthy mouth. However, to achieve it, it is often necessary to resort to orthodontic treatments, such as lingual orthodontics.

Lingual orthodontics is an aesthetic orthodontic treatment, very useful and effective for those people who need to solve any problem of dental malposition but who do not want them to be noticeable to the eyes of others.

It corresponds to a dental device that instead of going on the external face of the teeth, is located on the internal face of the same, being practically invisible.

At Gross Dentistas we have this equipment and many others so that our patients can have the option of choosing the one that best suits their needs.

Advantages and disadvantages of lingual orthodontics

To better understand what lingual orthodontics is, it is essential to know what its advantages and disadvantages are, which we will show you below:

Advantages of lingual orthodontics

  • They are very aesthetic, since they are located on the inner side of the teeth… Nothing is noticeable!
  • They are very safe, given that due to their location, they do not usually cause injuries to the patient’s lips or mouth.
  • They are very precise. This type of appliance is made to measure, so they adapt very well and provide precision throughout the treatment process.
  • They are quite comfortable, since, as we mentioned in the second point, they produce fewer sores and chafing than other orthodontic appliances.

Disadvantages of lingual orthodontics

  • The duration of lingual orthodontic treatment is usually longer compared to others.
  • It is not suitable for all cases, so the dental specialist’s workforce is essential to determine in which patients it can be carried out.
  • Performing optimal hygiene is more complicated, since the brackets are not visible and it is more difficult to remove dirt.
  • Its price is higher, due to the materials and the technique used.

Other orthodontic treatments

Now that you know better what lingual orthodontics is, its advantages and disadvantages, we would also like to talk to you, in general terms, about the rest of orthodontic treatments.

Metal braces

Orthodontics with metal brackets are the most traditional and popularly known orthodontic system. It consists of a fixed multi-bracket system attached to the surface of the teeth, either external (vestibular brackets) or internal (lingual orthodontics).

aesthetic supports

This type of brackets is very similar to the conventional ones. However, they differ from them because the material used is more aesthetic (ceramic or sapphire), and because they are less resistant than metal brackets.


Orthodontics with Invisalign is the most comfortable, aesthetic, invisible and innovative on the market. It consists of the use of transparent and removable covers, which are made from a virtual model of the patient’s teeth, after carrying out a virtual planning of the case.

At Gross Dentistas we have the best orthodontists

If you want to start your orthodontic treatment with lingual orthodontics or with any other type of appliance, we remind you that at Gross Dentistas we have extensive experience, with the appropriate knowledge, with a highly qualified team, with the best tools and appliances. most exclusive on the market.

In addition, we always provide a completely personalized study and diagnosis for each patient, to obtain excellent results.

For more information on this matter or on any other, we recommend you contact usWe will be happy to help you!

Ortodoncista Dra. Concha Gross de Bethencourt

Ortodoncista especializada en el sistema de ortodoncia invisible, extensa trayectoria profesional y un gran número de pacientes satisfechos con los resultados obtenidos tras la finalización de su tratamiento.

Doctoralia | Masquemédicos | Topdoctors

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