How to care for teeth during an orthodontic treatment?

cuidar dientes ortodoncia

Orthodontics is an oral treatment that helps correct the position of the teeth and jaw, which improves both the appearance and functionality of the mouth.

However, to achieve optimal results, it is important to take care of the teeth during orthodontic treatment. So, if you don’t know how to do it, stay in this article because from Gross Dentists we offer the following tips.

Tips for taking care of your teeth while wearing braces

Here are some tips on how to care for your teeth while wearing braces.

Brush your teeth regularly

It is essential to brush your teeth regularly, ideally after every meal. In this sense, patients with orthodontics should use a soft toothbrush and an interdental brush to reach the hardest-to-reach places on brackets and wires. Also, it is key to brush your teeth and gums carefully so as not to damage the appliance.

Flossing and mouthwash

Flossing and mouthwash can help prevent cavities and bacterial plaque buildup. It is important to floss carefully between the teeth and around the brackets and wires. Likewise, mouthwash helps fight bacteria and refresh your breath.

Avoid certain foods

Orthodontic patients should avoid sticky, hard, and fibrous foods, as they can damage teeth and braces. It is also recommended to avoid sugary and acidic foods, because they increase the risk of tooth decay.

Instead, they should opt for soft, healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

Wear mouth guards

People who wear braces and play sports should wear mouth guards. In this way, they will protect teeth and orthodontics from injuries, such as broken brackets and wires.

Visit the dentist periodically

It is important for orthodontic patients to visit the dentist regularly for a check-up and professional dental cleaning.

Dentists can check the progress of orthodontic treatment and can make sure your teeth and gums are healthy. They shall also make adjustments where they deem it necessary.

Take emergency measures

If the brace is damaged because a brace is lost or a wire is lost, it is essential to seek urgent medical attention immediately.

Patients should call their orthodontist to schedule an appointment as soon as possible to repair or replace the damaged orthodontics.

In conclusion, proper care of the teeth during orthodontics is essential to ensure the success of the results and to prevent oral problems. Patients should brush their teeth after each meal, floss and rinse, avoid certain foods, wear mouthguards, visit the dentist often, and take emergency measures in case of damage.

By following these tips, you can make sure your teeth and brace are healthy and in good condition.

Trust our dental clinic to start your orthodontic treatment

If in your case, you want to correct the position of your teeth but do not know where to go… Go to any of our dental clinics in Malaga!

We have qualified and experienced professionals at your disposal. We also have a wide variety of dental devices available, from the classic device with metal brackets to the newest invisible device: Invisaling.

Wearing a perfect smile is possible at Gross Dentists!

If you want more information on how to care for your teeth during orthodontics or any other matter, contact us.


Ortodoncista Dra. Concha Gross de Bethencourt

Ortodoncista especializada en el sistema de ortodoncia invisible, extensa trayectoria profesional y un gran número de pacientes satisfechos con los resultados obtenidos tras la finalización de su tratamiento.

Doctoralia | Masquemédicos | Topdoctors

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