If there is one thing you need to be clear about to preserve your dental health, it is that you must carry out a daily and thorough oral hygiene. However, this type of cleaning, although necessary, is not enough to eradicate all dirt from the teeth. For this reason, today at Gross Dentists we want you to know what is dental detartraje and what is its importance.
Read on for more information!
What is dental detail?
It is likely that if we mention the concept of dental detail a priori does not ring a bell or you have not heard it. However, this action, as mentioned above, is very important in terms of dental health.
Dental detartraje corresponds to a technique used in the dental sector that aims to eliminate tartar and bacterial plaque remaining on the surface of the teeth, and which is difficult to remove with the usual daily brushing.
Specifically, it focuses on the area just below the gums. So, as good as your oral hygiene is, it is very difficult to get to this area without the technique of dental detartraje.
Benefits of this dental cleaning technique
To understand the importance of dental detartraje is essential to know the benefits of such a technique. Therefore, thanks to the dental detartraje…
- You get a cleaner mouth
- Se evita la aparición y expansión de las bacterias
- Prevents the appearance and expansion of bacteria
- Gingival or periodontal pathologies are avoided
- A more beautiful smile appears
- Dental loss is prevented
In which cases is it necessary to make a detail?
In any case, the dentist should be responsible for determining when it is necessary to perform a dental detartraje, although it is advisable to perform it once or twice a year. Likewise, it will also depend on the state of your own oral hygiene and your mouth.
At Gross Dentists we are at your disposal to perform this technique or any other technique you need to preserve your oral health optimally.
Steps to follow to perform this type of cleaning
Another important aspect to consider regarding dental detartraje is the process or steps to follow.
- First, a clinical examination of the patient’s mouth should be performed to determine the state of their mouth. Secondly, you will be given appointment to perform the cleaning.
- To take off the tartar is used an ultrasound device that vibrates and has water. With this, the tartar is successfully separated and the dental surface is completely clean.
- Although the previous device is usually sufficient, sometimes it is necessary to use hand tools to improve the finish. Everything will depend on the oral situation of the patient in question.
- Finally a dental polishing is performed so that the surface is perfect.
In our dental clinic we take care of your oral health in every way
You already know all the important aspects about dental detail. For this reason, we want to remind you that in our dental clinic, Gross Dentists, we have qualified specialists in the sector who take care of your oral health.
Our goal is to see you smile, with a healthy and radiant smile.
Therefore, if you want more information related to this issue or to any other, we invite you, as always, to contact us directly.
We will be happy to assist you!
Ortodoncista especializada en el sistema de ortodoncia invisible, extensa trayectoria profesional y un gran número de pacientes satisfechos con los resultados obtenidos tras la finalización de su tratamiento.