Dental cleaning: What it consists of and how to implement it correctly

Dental cleaning is an action that must be done daily to keep the mouth healthy and free of pathologies that are harmful to health. If it is not done correctly, the accumulation of food remains favors the proliferation of bacteria, which develop cavities and diseases such as periodontitis.

At Gross Dentistas we want to encourage you to achieve optimal results in your oral hygiene. For this reason, we are going to explain what exactly a dental cleaning consists of and we are going to offer you a series of tips so that you can do it correctly.

Keep reading!

What does a dental cleaning consist of?

Dental cleaning, also called dental prophylaxis, corresponds to a procedure that must be done every day, in which various instruments are used, to eradicate bacterial plaque and tartar accumulated between the teeth.

Tips to implement a dental cleaning correctly

Now that you know what a dental cleaning consists of, it is important to underline the importance of carrying it out correctly to prevent oral pathologies and to maintain a good state of health. But what should be taken into account? Follow the advice that we show you below:

Tooth brushing frequency

The first thing to consider is the frequency of tooth brushing. In this sense, it should be mentioned that it is essential to do it at least three times a day, after each meal.

Duration of tooth brushing

The duration of toothbrushing is also important, since it takes time to get rid of the depth of food debris. As a general rule, this duration should be between two minutes.

Choose the right toothbrush

The key instrument for dental cleaning is the toothbrush. For this reason, you have to choose it well!

Several studies have shown that the electric toothbrush is more efficient and effective in removing plaque bacteria. However, in case of wearing a metal orthodontic appliance, the manual with a specific head to adapt to the shape of the brackets is usually recommended.

Whatever toothbrush is used, it is essential to change it every three months (in case it is electric, change the head), to guarantee the best results.

Other instruments for dental cleaning

On many occasions, the toothbrush is not enough to remove all the dirt from the mouth. In this sense, it is worth mentioning other instruments, such as: Silk or dental floss, interproximal brush, dental irrigator and mouthwash.

Is a professional dental cleaning necessary?

There is no doubt that the dental cleaning routine at home is very important to show off a healthy and radiant mouth, but is a professional dental cleaning necessary?

The answer is a resounding yes, since dental clinics have more specific dental cleaning instruments that achieve more complete and thorough hygiene.

A professional cleaning is recommended once a year, although for patients with periodontal diseases it is advisable to do it every six months.

Come to our dental clinic to start the treatment you need

Surely after knowing all the information about what it consists of and how dental cleaning is done correctly, you will get even better results, and if you already go to have your professional dental cleaning done at Gross Dentistas, much better!

In addition to said professional dental cleaning, we are also specialists in orthodontic treatments, implantology, periodontics, endodontics, among others.

Whatever treatment you need at Gross Dentistas, you will be in the hands of the best professionals! Contact us now to request your appointment, we will be happy to assist you.

Ortodoncista Dra. Concha Gross de Bethencourt

Ortodoncista especializada en el sistema de ortodoncia invisible, extensa trayectoria profesional y un gran número de pacientes satisfechos con los resultados obtenidos tras la finalización de su tratamiento.

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