On several occasions, there are people who have to resort to implantology treatment to replace a severely damaged or missing tooth. If the dental absences are not treated in time, the affected person may suffer serious consequences, such as facial deformation or may have problems chewing and digesting food. To avoid these evils, a prosthesis or fixed dental bridge is used, but… How is a fixed dental bridge cleaned?
What is a dental implant?
Before solving this question, it is important to know what a dental implant is and what it consists of.
A dental implant is a dental treatment that consists of replacing a damaged or already lost tooth with a replacement that simulates a natural tooth.
It is essential that, for such a replacement part to work, it has a root. To do this, we incorporate a titanium screw, since it is a very simple material to integrate into our body and has a high durability.
Everything you need to know about a fixed dental bridge
Now that you know in greater depth what a dental implant is, going back to the matter at hand, it is also important that you know what a fixed dental bridge is.
A fixed dental corresponds to a type of prosthesis whose mission or purpose is to recover both the functionality and the aesthetics of a tooth.
Advantages of a fixed dental bridge
The fixed dental bridge offers a series of advantages to patients that do not go unnoticed. The most significant are:
- Allows the affected person to improve their appearance and facial harmony.
- Fixed dental bridges are strong and generally hold up fairly well over time.
- They are a fixed and stable solution for the patient.
However, as in any other type of treatment, the dental specialist is in charge of determining if the patient will be able to carry out dental bridges, prostheses, implants, among others, since each situation is particular.
This is how the cleaning of a fixed dental bridge is carried out properly
Once you know all the details, it is the perfect time for you to know how to properly clean a fixed dental bridge.
For the maintenance of the fixed dental bridge to be optimal, it is necessary to carry out a dental brushing as if it were a natural tooth, that is: With a brush, toothpaste and dental floss. In addition, it is also recommended to use interdental brushes, to remove food debris that remains between the teeth.
Therefore, cleaning a dental bridge said as if it were a regular brushing, at least 3 times a day, with the key instruments and periodically visiting your trusted dentist, you can have complete peace of mind in this matter.
At Gross Dentistas we carry out all kinds of dental treatments
The Gross Dentistas team hopes that this article on how to clean a fixed dental bridge has been of great help to you. In the same way, we would like to remind you that in any of our dental clinics in Malaga we carry out all kinds of dental treatments: orthodontics, periodontics, endodontics, dental veneers, among others.
If you want more information on this topic or on any other in particular, do not hesitate to contact us directly… We will be happy to help you and assist you!
Ortodoncista especializada en el sistema de ortodoncia invisible, extensa trayectoria profesional y un gran número de pacientes satisfechos con los resultados obtenidos tras la finalización de su tratamiento.