There are many people who, on occasion, have to resort to dental fillings. The reason is that, due to the accumulation of bacterial plaque in the mouth, what we call cavities are produced, and these must be eliminated. Despite being a painless process, there can be pain after a filling.
But exactly… What is a filling or dental filling? Performing a filling consists of removing a cavity and properly cleaning the affected tooth to later fill it with a specialized material. What you want to achieve with this filling is to cover the piece so that the final result is as similar as possible to the tooth.
At Gross Dentistas, as the vast majority of you already know, we are professional dentists and, therefore, we also perform dental fillings in any of our clinics.
Why does a dental filling hurt?
As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, a dental filling, as a general rule, is painless. However, depending on the depth of the caries, anesthesia will be applied or not, in order to avoid discomfort during treatment.
But… Is there pain after a filling? The answer is yes, it does not always happen, but there may be pain after a filling, since the treated area is sensitized.
However, if this discomfort lasts for more than three or four days, we recommend that you go to our dental clinic so that we can see the reason and thus find a solution.
Types of filling to make a dental filling
When performing a dental filling, it is necessary to resort to specialized material to proceed with the filling of the piece. This material can be of three different types, and it will be the specialist who decides which one to use.
- Amalgam fillings: They are the result of the alloy of metals such as mercury, tin and silver. It is a very resistant material, since it can last from 15 to 20 years. However, it is considered unattractive and toxic due to the presence of mercury.
- Resin fillings: These are resistant fillings, capable of withstanding more than 10 years fulfilling their function. Its appearance is more natural and more aesthetic than the previous one, and, in addition, it is not toxic.
- Porcelain fillings: These types of fillings are the most expensive, but they imitate enamel perfectly in both aesthetics and hardness.
Tricks to relieve the pain of a filled tooth
On the one hand, oral hypersensitivity after a filling is not generally an alarm sign, but the sensation of pulsation can be. In this case, it would be necessary to make an appointment immediately with the dentist.
On the other hand, relieving pain after a filling is key to avoiding sensitivity to temperature changes and chewing. For this we recommend that you:
- Don’t eat hard or sticky foods.
- Don’t clench your jaw too much.
- Use a soft toothbrush.
- To eat, use the opposite side to the filling.
At Gross Dentistas we care about your oral health
From our dental clinic we hope that this article on pain after a filling has been of great help. However, we would also like to remind you that in addition to this treatment we also perform endodontics, dental veneers, teeth whitening, professional oral cleanings, periodontal treatments, orthodontics, etc.
Our primary objective is to take care of your oral health so that you can enjoy the well-being that you deserve.
If you want more information about pain after a filling or about any other matter, we remind you to contact us directly… We will be delighted to assist you!
Ortodoncista especializada en el sistema de ortodoncia invisible, extensa trayectoria profesional y un gran número de pacientes satisfechos con los resultados obtenidos tras la finalización de su tratamiento.