Sinusitis is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by inflammation of the sinuses, which are small, air-filled spaces behind the forehead, cheekbones, and eyes. This condition can cause a variety of uncomfortable symptoms and, in some cases, severe discomfort. In this article, from our dental clinics in Torremolinos and Malaga, Gross Dentistas, we will explore what is it, its symptoms and the treatment available to alleviate this condition.
What is sinusitis?
Sinusitis, also known as rhinusitis, is inflammation of the sinuses, which are air-filled cavities inside the bones of the skull. These breasts play an important role in breathing, as they help filter, humidify, and warm the air we breathe. When the sinuses become inflamed due to an infection, allergy, or irritation, sinusitis occurs.
There are several types, including:
- Acute sinusitis: It is caused by a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection and usually lasts less than four weeks.
- Chronic sinusitis: Develops when sinusitis symptoms persist for more than 12 weeks, often due to prolonged inflammation of the sinuses.
- Recurrent sinusitis: It is characterized by recurrent episodes of acute sinusitis, which can occur several times a year.
Symptoms of Sinusitis
Symptoms of sinusitis can vary in severity and may include:
- Nasal congestion: One of the most common symptoms is nasal congestion, which can make it difficult to breathe through your nose.
- Facial pain: Facial pain, especially around the sinuses, is another common symptom.This pain may be worse when leaning forward or lying down.
- Runny nose: Runny nose, which can be clear, yellow, green, or bloody, is another common symptom.
- Headache: Headache, especially in the forehead, cheekbones, or back of the head, is common in people with this disease.
- Loss of smell: Some people may experience a temporary loss of sense of smell due to inflammation of the sinuses.
- Cough: Coughing, especially at night, can be a symptom, especially if it is associated with a postnasal runny nose.
- Fatigue: Fatigue and feeling tired can be additional symptoms, as the body fights off infection or inflammation.
Treatment of Sinusitis
Treatment depends on the underlying cause and severity of symptoms. Some treatment options include:
- Medications: Medications, such as decongestants, antihistamines, pain relievers, and nasal corticosteroids, can help relieve sinus symptoms and reduce sinus inflammation.
- Nasal irrigation: Nasal irrigation with saline solutions or salt water can help clear the sinuses and relieve nasal congestion.
- Antibiotics: In cases of bacterial disease, antibiotics may be prescribed by a doctor to treat the infection.
- Surgery: In severe or recurrent cases, surgery may be necessary to drain clogged sinuses or correct structural problems.
- Measures at home: Drinking plenty of water, getting enough rest, applying warm compresses to your face, and using a humidifier can help relieve sinus symptoms at home.
Sinusitis is a common condition that can cause a variety of uncomfortable symptoms. If you experience sinusitis symptoms that persist for more than a week or are severe, it is important to seek medical and dental attention from a dental clinic, for proper diagnosis and treatment. With the right treatment, most people can relieve their symptoms and fully recover from this disease, if you have any of these symptoms and are looking for an assessment, make an appointment with us.
Ortodoncista especializada en el sistema de ortodoncia invisible, extensa trayectoria profesional y un gran número de pacientes satisfechos con los resultados obtenidos tras la finalización de su tratamiento.