Supernumerary teeth or hyperdontia are the appearance of excess teeth in the mouth. They do not have the shape of a normal tooth but have a shape called microdontia. They can erupt in any direction, although the most normal supernumerary teeth are the mesio dens, which is a tooth that erupts between the upper central incisors, and the distomolars or paramolars that appear behind the wisdom teeth or next to the molars.
The most common causes of supernumerary teeth
Although the causes of supernumerary teeth are not fully investigated, in general it may be due to a genetic factor. In addition, these teeth are associated with certain syndromes such as kerubism, Gardner’s syndrome or cleidocranial dysostosis.
Symptoms indicating the presence of supernumerary teeth
Normally, supernumerary teeth or hyperdontia are not usually detected until you go to your Gross Dentistas dental clinic for a routine examination.
However, there are some symptoms that can give you the clue you need to know that you have supernumerary teeth and they are as follows:
- You have occlusion problems such as dental crowding
- You have cysts in the follicles of the supernumerary teeth or caries in adjacent teeth
- Some teeth take too long to erupt
- Root resorption occurs
Consequences of having supernumerary teeth or hyperdontia
Supernumerary teeth can occur in both children and adults. However, the consequences are different depending on the age of the patient.
If the patient is a child with supernumerary teeth who is at the age when the baby teeth are being replaced by permanent teeth, this problem can delay the eruption of the permanent teeth. In the future it can cause dental occlusion problems such as malpositions, crowding, diastemas…
On the other hand, if the patient with supernumerary teeth is an adult, it can cause problems of malposition that can later lead to caries, periodontal disease… Without forgetting that they also affect aesthetics, which is something that is of great concern to adults.
What treatments do we do for supernumerary teeth?
In our dental clinic in Malaga we have many years of experience treating patients suffering from supernumerary teeth. That is why we always provide the most advanced techniques to correct this problem so that the patient can return to their daily life with total normality, whatever their age.
This age factor is important to take into account when treating supernumerary teeth or hyperdontia. Other factors that must also be taken into account are the position and morphology of the teeth and the damage that having supernumerary teeth may cause to the patient’s oral health.
In the case of children with permanent teeth and milk teeth, our specialist in pediatric dentistry Concha Gross will be in charge of diagnosing the case and deciding whether it is appropriate to extract the tooth, as well as the best time to do so.
For adults there is a treatment called exodontics that can be combined if necessary with orthodontic treatments to restore the functionality and aesthetics of the patient’s smile. In our dental clinic Gross Dentistas we also carry out aesthetic orthodontics, Invisalign and braces.
The most important thing is undoubtedly that you go to your regular appointments with the dentist to be able to detect in time if you have supernumerary teeth and thus begin as soon as possible the treatment that will leave your smile perfect again. Contact our dental clinic in Malaga to make an appointment and check that you do not have any problem of supernumerary teeth or hyperdontia.
Ortodoncista especializada en el sistema de ortodoncia invisible, extensa trayectoria profesional y un gran número de pacientes satisfechos con los resultados obtenidos tras la finalización de su tratamiento.