What is fluorosis?

Conoce las causas de las fluorosis

Fluorosis is a problem caused by excessive exposure to fluoride, this mineral can be found in our daily lives both in drinking water and in food and dental products. Fluoride is important for our oral health, the excess of it causes adverse effects on teeth and bones. It is important to know the symptoms of fluorosis and what measures we can take to prevent it.

Definition of fluorosis

As we mentioned before, fluorosis is a condition that arises due to excessive exposure of fluoride. It affects the formation of teeth. Its appearance is characterized by a series of white spots and tiny dots on the teeth. Fluorosis is not a problem of poor oral hygiene. Although fluoride is good for the health of our mouth because it protects us from cavities, taking too much of it increases the porosity of the tooth enamel and makes our teeth more fragile.

Types of fluorosis by grade

Depending on how much it affects the tooth enamel, three types of dental fluorosis can be seen.

  • Mild: this condition is the most common of all, in it you see the first signs that our enamel is weakened and shows as the appearance of bright lines or small striations on the surface of our tooth.
  • Moderate: appearance of white spots on our teeth.
  • Severe: to this degree, the person suffering from it has cavities and spots that fill much of the tooth. In addition, the affected person will experience occasional pain and tenderness.

Causes and symptoms of fluorosis

The causes are generally due to the continued use of drinking water with excess fluorine salts, especially since we are small. From a certain concentration (approx. 1.5 ppm) there is a risk of its appearance.

This condition appears in our dental training period, that is, between nine months and three years of age. That’s why many pediatric dentistry specialists recommend using toothpastes for children, as they are fluoride-free.

To recognize this problem in our teeth, just look at the color changes that occur. Sometimes, whitish spots are created, which are linked with small cracks and streaks (mild degree). In more extreme cases, brown spots and holes appear, giving the appearance of being corroded. People with this condition are most likely to suffer from problems such as obesity, depression and even thyroid.

How to treat fluorosis?

Dental whitening is a very effective option for treating cases of fluorosis. The disadvantage of this type of treatment is that you will have to do it periodically, since the teeth will continue to stain.

To permanently solve this condition of the mouth, in Gross Dentistas we recommend the use of dental veneers or the use of porcelain crowns. With this you will get a totally aesthetic smile and provide a completely hygienic and healthy look.

Maintaining a balance in fluoride intake and being aware of symptoms are important steps to protect your health in the long term. In our dental clinic in Malaga we can help you and inform you about the consumption of fluoride to help prevent this condition. If you want to know more about this condition and how to prevent its appearance in the little ones, do not hesitate to ask for an appointment with us. We will advise you on what is the most advisable in cases like this.

Ortodoncista Dra. Concha Gross de Bethencourt

Ortodoncista especializada en el sistema de ortodoncia invisible, extensa trayectoria profesional y un gran número de pacientes satisfechos con los resultados obtenidos tras la finalización de su tratamiento.

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