Are there differences between odontologist and dentist?

Existen pocas diferencias entre odontologo y dentista

At present, taking care of our oral health is very important, so when we have a problem we must go to the specialist. There is a little confusion when we talk about the terms odontologist and dentist which, although they seem to be different positions, in reality, in many places in the world refer to the same profession. Therefore, from this article we want to clarify that, although they may mean the same thing, there are a number of differences that cause them to be called dentist and dentist.

Differences about odontologist and dentist

Dentist is the term most used when we refer to our oral health specialist and therefore it is used in a more widespread way. Therefore, we often refer to an odontologist as those specialists who are dedicated to a more specific area of oral health. But as for their terminology, both are very different: dentist comes from the Latin (dens and dentis, meaning tooth or any element that has the ability to tear or cut) while dentist is a word that comes from the Greek (odonto means tooth).

What is a odontologist

Odontologist are those who have the studies that have to do with the health branch that is specialized in oral health, he specialized in dentistry.

Dentistry is the specialty that seeks to prevent, diagnose and treat all types of diseases, infections or problems that are not common in the teeth and mouth.

Dentist is the medical term we want to refer to when we want to talk about those professionals who have studied the career.

What is a dentist

Dentists are those who have specialized in oral health and have studies in dentistry. Therefore, it is the most common name for professionals who watch and care for our mouths. This does not mean that dentists have a lower value than dentists, since all dentists must have their school number and have it exposed and approved in their office, visible to their patients.

Specialist of dentistry

First of all, there are no huge differences between dental practitioners and dentists, since both are professions which perform the same functions: prevention, diagnosis and treatment of everything that happens in our mouth. But, they not only treat oral problems, but also take care of dental aesthetics, whose goal is to improve the smile of their patients.

Many dentists have also specialized in specific branches for which they have become professionals in their sector. In this way, at Gross Dentistas you can find different specialists according to the type of need that your mouth needs. We have pediatric dentistry services for the little ones, orthodontics and even implantology among others.

Some of the specialties you can find are as follows:

Orthodontics: these professionals are responsible for aligning and correcting problems in the teeth of patients. Today, it has many advanced technologies such as invisalign, which allows the alignment of teeth in a discreet way.

Endodontics: the endodontists take care of the nerve of the tooth. Inside, you will find the pathology of caries that, when they reach the nerve, the specialist must act for its removal and repair of the affected tooth.

Periodontics: in this branch it covers everything that has to do with the gums and the bones of the mouth. The main goal is to restore health to gums and bone.

Implantology: the main function is that of the placement of implants, extraction of wisdom teeth and regeneration of bones.

Maxillofacial: by surgery, they treat problems of bites. They also treat problems such as bruxism and other types of pathologies that affect the maxillofacial bones.

Children’s dentistry: here focus on the oral health of the little ones. The correct term is odontopediatras.

Dental aesthetics: the dental aesthetic focuses on performing aesthetic treatments with the aim of showing a more showy smile.

In our dental clinic in Malaga we have the best oral health services thanks to our team of professional experts. To learn more, you can book a pre-appointment with us today.

Ortodoncista Dra. Concha Gross de Bethencourt

Ortodoncista especializada en el sistema de ortodoncia invisible, extensa trayectoria profesional y un gran número de pacientes satisfechos con los resultados obtenidos tras la finalización de su tratamiento.

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