How to clean a baby’s mouth? Find out!

There are many fathers and mothers who question when and how to clean a baby’s mouth thoroughly and, at Gross Dentistas, we want to solve this question so that you can provide the best dental care to your children.

Before starting, we consider it important to emphasize that, both from the appearance of the teeth and before this fact occurs, it is essential to establish oral hygiene routines.

You want to know more? Continue reading!

When should you start cleaning a baby’s mouth?

Let’s start by solving the first question… When should you start cleaning a baby’s mouth?

As we just mentioned, it is just as important to establish hygiene routines both before the teeth appear and after they have already appeared.

The goal of early oral hygiene is:

  • Keep your mouth, gums, and teeth clean.
  • Teach the little ones this habit that is so essential for their health.

Tips for cleaning a baby’s mouth thoroughly

To make it easier for you to understand and apply this action, here are the most effective tips for cleaning a baby’s mouth thoroughly.

Gum cleaning from birth

Contrary to what people think, cleaning the baby’s gums from birth is essential. To carry it out, we recommend using a moist gauze or a silicone dental. These tools should be used gently so as not to damage the mouth or scare the little one.

Eruption of the first milk tooth

When the first used milk tooth appears, also use the moistened gauze or silicone thimble on the previous paragraph twice a day: once in the morning and once at night. This will keep your mouth, gums and teeth clean, promoting optimal oral health.

Oral hygiene during the baby’s first year

When the baby is approximately one year old, we will start to establish hygiene using a toothbrush of his size. In these cases, you can use a fluoride toothpaste according to your age in a small amount (about the size of a grain of rice).

The little one learns to spit

At the time when the child learns to spit, the amount of fluoridated toothpaste can be increased (about the size of a pea). This step is important to prevent the appearance of cavities in your mouth.

Increased motor skills of the child

The next step, that is, when the minor increases his motor skills, we recommend that he be in charge of brushing his teeth. To do this, it is key that they take reference from their elders and associate this action with a game, so that they get used to it and want to practice it every day.

The importance of children’s oral hygiene

We consider it essential to underline how important it is to establish oral cleaning routines with the little ones, since they always have to imitate their elders. In addition, it will also be key to avoiding the appearance of cavities so prone to appear at this type of age.

At Gross Dentistas we hope to have resolved all your doubts about how to clean a baby’s mouth and when to do it. However, if you still want to receive more information on this matter or any other, we remind you that you can contact us directly.

Our professionals will be happy to help and assist you!

We want to see you and your children smile! We will wait for you!

Ortodoncista Dra. Concha Gross de Bethencourt

Ortodoncista especializada en el sistema de ortodoncia invisible, extensa trayectoria profesional y un gran número de pacientes satisfechos con los resultados obtenidos tras la finalización de su tratamiento.

Doctoralia | Masquemédicos | Topdoctors

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