There are many people who, for reasons of aesthetics or oral health, decide to start orthodontic treatment. However, it is also important to note that of all the appliances currently on the market, our patients opt for what is known as invisible orthodontics Invisalign. Throughout this article, we are going to expose what it is, how it works, its advantages, disadvantages, among others.
What is invisible orthodontics and how does it work?
It is likely that on more than one occasion you have heard of invisible orthodontics, since it is a device in trend for those who want to align their smile in a completely aesthetic and imperceptible way.
Invisible orthodontics, also known as Invisalign or removable appliance, corresponds to an invisible appliance that is made from a virtual model of the patient’s teeth.
Said treatment is made up of transparent plastic splints that adjust to measure. Its use is so simple that the patient himself is able to place and remove it daily.
What are the phases of the Invisalign technique?
Before starting any orthodontic treatment it is essential to carry out a professional oral cleaning, and check if it is necessary to carry out another type of previous oral treatment.
When there is a guarantee that oral health is correct, you can proceed to start the first of the five phases of the Invisalign technique:
- First visit: In this phase, the patient has made a consultation with the orthodontist, so that he or she can explore their needs and carry out the iTero intraoral scanner. Subsequently, in a matter of seconds, a real image of the mouth and a simulation of how the invisible orthodontic treatment could evolve is obtained.
- Complete orthodontic study: Next, intra and extraoral photographic records, orthopantomography, teleradiography and/or dental CT are taken in adult patients. In addition, it will also be necessary to obtain a record of the teeth using the scanner mentioned above.
- Clinchek: Once the previous phases have been completed, it is sent virtually to the Invisalign work center where the planning of the treatment will begin, each one is unique and completely
- Placement of aligners: When the patient is satisfied with the treatment planning, the molds are made. In each virtual movement, a new aligner is created, which will exert pressure on the teeth, moving them to the desired position.
- Revisions: Consultation visits are made around 6-8 weeks, so that the specialist checks that the treatment is going as planned.
Advantages and disadvantages of clear aligners
Now is the perfect time for you to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of invisible orthodontics.
- Comfort: Thanks to the use of Invisalign, the sores or ulcers that the device can produce are significantly reduced.
- Hygiene: This type of orthodontics allows you to continue with the usual hygiene technique, since the aligners are removable.
- Fewer emergencies: By not having elements attached to the tooth, the number of possible emergencies is reduced.
- Aesthetics: When these types of devices are used, they are almost invaluable to the people around them.
- Loss of the device: Being removable increases this possibility.
- In patients with bruxism it may be contraindicated, since grinding the teeth can break the appliance.
- The cost of this treatment is higher in relation to others.
Start your orthodontic treatment at Gross Dentistas
In our clinic, Gross Dentistas, we are specialists in orthodontic treatments. We have all the existing appliances: Invisalign, children’s orthodontics, aesthetic orthodontics, braces. In addition, our extensive experience and the satisfaction of our patients guarantee our success.
If you want to start a treatment or want to know more details about the advantages and disadvantages of invisible orthodontics, remember that you can contact us directly.
Ortodoncista especializada en el sistema de ortodoncia invisible, extensa trayectoria profesional y un gran número de pacientes satisfechos con los resultados obtenidos tras la finalización de su tratamiento.