We show you the myths and truths about home teeth whitening

Currently, if we look around us, we can see how, more and more, people care about showing off a healthy and aesthetically perfect smile. The great evolution of the dentistry sector has made it possible to improve techniques and tools, and this translates into a real benefit for our mouths. Today we want to talk about a matter of interest to many of you: Teeth whitening.

Teeth whitening is an aesthetic dental treatment that manages to reduce various shades of the teeth, obtaining whiter and brighter teeth as a result.

Next, in relation to this matter, we want to expose: The myths and truths about home teeth whitening.

Myths about teeth whitening at home

One of the first questions that arise at this point is… Do home teeth whitening methods work? The truth is that there are several myths that must be taken into account. Here we show you the most common:

  • On the one hand, using baking soda is said to lighten tooth shade. However, we recommend that you never use it to carry out this action, as it is a very aggressive chemical compound that is harmful to the parts. The whitening effect it produces is synonymous with tooth wear.
  • On the other hand, rubbing the teeth with a lemon peel is also not recommended. Lemon is an acidic fruit that only triggers enamel wear and tooth sensitivity.
  • Rinsing the mouth with hydrogen peroxide neither lightens the color of the teeth nor is it beneficial to health.
  • Activated carbon is very fashionable, since people are encouraged on social networks to use it in toothpaste format to obtain a whiter color in the teeth. The truth of this fact is that it is not effective.
  • Strawberry and banana-based toothpastes do not have any harmful side effects, but they do not whiten teeth either.
  • Another of the most common tips or advice corresponds to rubbing the dental surface with the inside of a It doesn’t have good results either. In addition, it is recommended that after professional teeth whitening, do not eat foods with a high content of carotenoids or natural dyes, as they can stain the enamel.

Truths about teeth whitening at home

As for the truths about teeth whitening at home, we must admit that they do not exist. It is true that a series of actions can be carried out that favor the tonality desired by all. For this reason, we are going to give you some tricks so that you can enjoy whiter teeth:

  • Perform at least three daily brushings after each meal with a duration of around two minutes.
  • Example dental floss.
  • Use mouthwash.
  • No Smoking.
  • Avoid the consumption of foods with a high amount of pigments such as coffee, blackberries, wine or cocoa, among others.

Carrying out a good habit of daily oral hygiene, a healthy diet and avoiding vices such as tobacco, will be the most key factors to be able to enjoy whiter teeth.

In our clinic we perform teeth whitening

At Gross Dentistas we are up to date on the latest innovations that are linked to dental treatments, whether in implants, orthodontics, periodontics, whitening, among others, to offer our clients the best services regarding their oral health.

If you want more information about the myths and truths about home teeth whitening or about any other matter… Contact us! We will be happy to help you!

Ortodoncista Dra. Concha Gross de Bethencourt

Ortodoncista especializada en el sistema de ortodoncia invisible, extensa trayectoria profesional y un gran número de pacientes satisfechos con los resultados obtenidos tras la finalización de su tratamiento.

Doctoralia | Masquemédicos | Topdoctors

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