Discover the causes and treatments to combat tartar on the teeth

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Enjoying optimal and brilliant oral health is the desire of many people. However, in order to successfully achieve this result, it is necessary to regularly visit a trusted professional dentist and have a good daily habit of oral hygiene.

One of the most common oral problems in society is the accumulation of tartar on the teeth. Getting rid of dental tartar in time is key to preventing serious pathologies that can trigger tooth loss.

At Gross Dentistas we wanted to dedicate this article to the causes and treatments to combat tartar on the teeth, so that you know in depth the importance of preventing it. Our goal is for you to enjoy an aesthetic, healthy and functional smile.

What is tartar on teeth?

Before starting to comment on the causes of dental tartar and the treatments that eliminate it, it is interesting to know its definition.

Tartar on the teeth, also called or known as dental tartar, is a yellowish and resistant film that tends to be located on the upper part of the gums, due to the accumulation of bacterial plaque. This fact is a direct consequence of the lack of oral hygiene or a low-quality cleaning technique.

When the tartar has already formed, it is necessary to take into account that a homemade brushing will not eliminate it. In this situation, it is essential to resort to professional dental cleaning tools, such as those offered by Gross Dentistas.

What causes tartar on the teeth?

As we have just mentioned, tartar on the teeth is caused by the accumulation of bacterial plaque.

Bacterial plaque is produced through food remains or products that have not been properly cleaned. Normally, they tend to agglomerate between the teeth, and from these remains the bacteria begin to multiply exponentially.

In addition, there are certain foods or products that promote the appearance of tartar on the teeth, such as: soft drinks, sweets, wine, tea, tobacco, alcohol, etc. If later, when ingesting or consuming them, the oral cavity is not thoroughly cleaned, the risk of suffering from oral pathologies such as dental pyorrhea, periodontics or cavities increases significantly.

How is tartar on teeth treated?

To cure or treat dental tartar, in the first place, you must go to a dentistry specialist to study and diagnose in a personalized way the steps to follow.

There are two types of dental tartar: supragingival and subgingival. The difference between the two is that in the first the tartar is found on the surface of the teeth, and in the second the tartar is found under the gum tissue.

Depending on the type of tartar, the treatment will be one or the other.

  • Treatment of supragingival tartar: It is carried out through a professional dental cleaning, carried out by the dental hygienist. Using specific tools, both the tartar that is on the surface of the teeth and in the interdental spaces are removed.
  • Treatment of subgingival tartar: It is carried out through a technique called “dental curettage”. This is a deeper cleaning that removes bacteria and tartar that has affected the gums. Sanitizes the mouth by scaling and root planing.

At Gross Dentistas we have been working in the specialty of dentistry for many years and we are experts in knowing the causes and carrying out treatments to combat tartar on the teeth.

On the other hand, we are also professional orthodontists who offer you multiple options of dental appliances, metal brackets, Invisalign, aesthetic brackets, lingual orthodontics, etc.

If you need to go to a trusted clinic or need more information about any dental matter… Contact us!

Ortodoncista Dra. Concha Gross de Bethencourt

Ortodoncista especializada en el sistema de ortodoncia invisible, extensa trayectoria profesional y un gran número de pacientes satisfechos con los resultados obtenidos tras la finalización de su tratamiento.

Doctoralia | Masquemédicos | Topdoctors

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