The alveolitis: a post-extraction infection

Dental health is essential to our overall well-being, but sometimes complications can arise that require specialized care. One of these conditions is alveolitis, which can cause pain and discomfort in those who have had a recent tooth extraction. In this article, we will explore what is alveolitis, its causes, symptoms and how it can be treated.

What is alveolitis

Alveolitis, also known as “dry alveolitis”, is a dental condition that can occur after undergoing tooth extraction, especially in the case of wisdom tooth extractions. Normally, after a tooth extraction, a blood clot forms at the extraction site. This clot protects the area and facilitates healing by promoting the growth of surrounding tissue and bone.

However, in cases of alveolitis, this blood clot dislodges, dissolves prematurely, or does not form properly. As a result, the bone and nerves at the extraction site are exposed, which can cause severe pain and discomfort. In addition to pain, the alveolitis can also be accompanied by a bad smell or taste in the mouth, as well as a feeling of emptiness in the affected area.

Symptoms of the alveolitis

It is important to note that alveolitis symptoms usually develop in the days after tooth extraction. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is essential to seek professional dental care right away. Some of the most common symptoms are:

Severe pain

The most noticeable symptom of alveolitis is severe and persistent pain in the area of extraction. This pain can range from acute pain to continuous discomfort and can radiate to the ear and neck.


Along with pain, it is common to feel discomfort at the site of extraction. The area may feel sensitive to touch and there may be a general feeling of discomfort.

Bad tastes and odors

By not having the protective clot at the extraction site, some people may experience a bad smell or taste in their mouth. This can be caused by bone and nerve exposure.

Exposure of the bone

In more severe cases, there may be visible exposure of the bone in the area of extraction. This is not only painful, but also increases the risk of infection.

Difficulty eating

Because of the pain and sensitivity in the affected area, some people may have difficulty eating and chewing food.

Treatment and prevention for alveolitis

There are both treatment and prevention measures that can help address this condition and ensure optimal recovery. We show them below:


Professional care: If you experience symptoms of alveolitis, such as severe pain in the area of extraction, it is crucial to seek professional dental care immediately. The dentist will assess the situation and determine the appropriate treatment approach.

Cleaning and protection: The dentist can clean the affected area and apply medicines to relieve pain and prevent infections. In addition, a dressing may be placed at the extraction site to facilitate healing and protect the area.

Care instructions: Carefully follow the instructions provided by the dentist for post-removal care. This may include avoiding smoking among others.


Avoid smoking: If you are a smoker, refrain from smoking during the recovery period. Smoking can increase the risk of developing alveolitis by interfering with blood clots.

Avoid aggressive rinsing: Avoid rinsing hard for the first 24 hours after extraction. Vigorous rinsing can dislodge the blood clot and increase the risk of alveolitis.

Oral hygiene: Maintain proper oral hygiene following the guidelines provided by the dentist. Use a soft toothbrush and avoid brushing the extraction area directly during the first few days.

Professionals for a perfect treatment and prevention for alveolitis

At our dental clinic in Malaga, we have the best experts who can help you treat your problem with alveolitis. If you want more information about the different treatments we can offer, do not hesitate to contact us.

Ortodoncista Dra. Concha Gross de Bethencourt

Ortodoncista especializada en el sistema de ortodoncia invisible, extensa trayectoria profesional y un gran número de pacientes satisfechos con los resultados obtenidos tras la finalización de su tratamiento.

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