Causes of yellow teeth, prevention and solutions

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Your smile is an essential part of your identity, and bright, white teeth contribute significantly to that healthy image. However, several factors can lead to yellow teeth, affecting not only aesthetics but also your personal confidence and self-esteem.

Main causes of yellow teeth

Insufficient Oral Hygiene: Lack of proper oral hygiene, including brushing, flossing and mouthwash, can allow plaque and stains to build up on the teeth, leading to the appearance of yellowish shades.

Tobacco: Tobacco contains chemicals that can cause tooth discolouration. In addition to the general health risks, smoking can be a major cause of yellow teeth.

Consumption of discolouring pigments:  Coffee is appreciated by many, but its dark pigments can leave stains on teeth over time. Caffeine can also contribute to dehydration, which negatively affects tooth enamel. Like coffee, intense spices such as curry can leave pigments on teeth, contributing to discolouration.

Ageing: As we age, tooth enamel tends to wear away, revealing underlying dentin that has a more yellowish hue. This natural process can make teeth appear yellower over time.

– Genetic factors: Genetics can also play a role in tooth shade. Some people may be genetically more prone to yellow teeth.

Prevention and solutions for yellow teeth

Maintaining a healthy, white smile starts with adopting effective preventive practices:

– Rigorous oral hygiene

– Moderation in the use of tooth discolouring substances

– Regular visits to the dentist

In cases where teeth are already stained, tooth whitening treatments, cleanings and veneers can be an effective and safe solution. Consultation with professionals will help determine the best option for each case.

Teeth whitening for yellow teeth

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure to remove stains and discolouration, restoring teeth to their natural whiteness. If you are concerned about yellow teeth, tooth whitening can be an effective and non-invasive solution to improve the appearance of your smile. To apply it, it is essential to have previously carried out a professional cleaning to completely remove any tartar and stains that may be present.

Whitening at the dental clinic:

– By professionals.

– It uses more concentrated whitening gels and is accelerated with light or laser.

Visible results after just one session.

Tooth whitening involves the use of bleaching agents, usually hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. These compounds release oxygen, which penetrates the tooth enamel and dentin, removing stains and discolourations. It is important to note that tooth whitening is most effective on stains caused by food, drink, tobacco and natural ageing of the teeth.

What are the benefits of whitening?

The benefits are improved whiteness and brightness, increased confidence, fast results and a non-invasive process.

Dental veneers for yellow teeth

Dental veneer treatments are an aesthetic solution designed to improve the appearance of teeth. Veneers are thin shells of dental material that are bonded to the front of the teeth, creating a noticeable transformation in the smile. There are several types of veneers:

– Porcelain veneers: natural aesthetics, strong and durable.

Composite veneers: direct application in the clinic and preserves more of the original tooth structure.

What are the benefits of dental veneers?

The main benefits of dental veneers are improved aesthetics, quick and painless treatment, preservation of tooth structure and durability.

To achieve these results visit your dental clinic in Málaga and get your smile back to perfection, call us!

Ortodoncista Dra. Concha Gross de Bethencourt

Ortodoncista especializada en el sistema de ortodoncia invisible, extensa trayectoria profesional y un gran número de pacientes satisfechos con los resultados obtenidos tras la finalización de su tratamiento.

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