Advanced periodontitis is a very serious disease that leads to tooth loss and, above all, affect our health generally. This inflammatory gum problem manages to destroy the tissues that support our teeth. It is very important to detect it early because in this way we will avoid complications in the future. Know the symptoms, causes and treatment of advanced periodontitis to prevent irreparable damage.
Advanced periodontitis: what is it?
Advanced periodontitis is a disease that affects the structure that holds our teeth directly. It goes beyond gingivitis as it causes inflammation and bleeding in the gums. Advanced periodontitis is an oral problem that is very aggressive and that, if the proper treatment is not carried out, can disrupt the loss of teeth and other problems in the health of our mouth.
Symptoms include:
- Pain when talking or swallowing food or saliva
- Swelling
- Changes in making saliva, leading to an increase or decrease in saliva
- Fever and discomfort
- Persistent bad breath.
Currently, there are several treatments and solutions that allow us to control and treat this disease.
Phases of advanced periodontitis
Advanced periodontitis goes through a series of phases until it reaches the disease that we are dealing with in this article:
Phase 1: gingivitis
The appearance of gingivitis is the first part of the phase until the appearance of advanced periodontitis. If we notice symptoms such as bleeding in the gums or inflammation, we may need to see our professional to direct the treatment to be performed before it goes to more.
Phase 2: Onset of periodontitis
At this stage, bacteria that accumulate in our mouth begin to have harmful effects on the bone that holds teeth. This condition, known as periodontitis, involves a gradual loss of bone that can become significant, reaching up to 25% of the supporting bone structure.
Phase 3: Moderate periodontitis
In this advanced phase of periodontal disease, damage to the mouth is significant, especially in the gums, where significant deterioration is observed. In some cases, there may be a loss of up to 50% of the bone that supports the teeth, which seriously compromises their long-term stability and health. In addition, periodontal pockets begin to appear. Bacteria and plaque build up in these pockets.
Phase 4: Advanced periodontitis
This is the final phase and the most severe of all. This leads to almost total bone loss and can become irreparable. Teeth begin to move and often need to be removed to remove the infection. The aforementioned periodontal pockets begin to deepen and periodontitis becomes chronic.
Advanced periodontitis treatments
Treatments for advanced periodontitis can be performed with or without surgery.
Nonsurgical treatments
- Perform a professional cleaning: professional deep cleaning is the first step for the treatment of this disease. In our dental clinic in Malaga, we are professionals in this type of treatment to prevent any type of oral disease. The dentist uses tools that get.
- Root scraping: this treatment has to do with cleaning the root of the teeth. This will remove any traces of plaque or tartar that have accumulated in periodontal pockets.
- Antibiotics: this type of medicine is usually prescribed in a meticulous manner and serves to control the infection and reduce the number of bacteria that live in the mouth. These medicines are usually prescribed as rinses or pills.
- Laser: This treatment is used to remove tartar and plaque that has accumulated in the roots of the teeth.
Treatments with surgery
- Bone graft: when periodontitis has caused the loss of bone in the affected person, a bone graft can be done in order to regenerate the bone that has been lost. This graft can be taken by the patient or a donor.
- Flap surgery: In this procedure, the surgeon makes a small cut in the gum so that the root can be seen and begin to clean. Then the root is put back and sewn. With this treatment allows to reduce the periodontal pockets deep and facilitates the cleaning of bacteria that settle in the gums.
- Tissue regeneration: Sometimes, surgery can be done to recover lost or damaged tissue. This process involves the placement of a membrane that helps the growth of a new tissue.
- Extraction: if the tooth is very bad, it should be necessary to proceed with the extraction of the tooth to prevent the infection from spreading to the rest of the teeth. Once the tooth is removed, it will be replaced with a dental implant.
Taking care of your mouth from possible diseases such as advanced periodontitis is very important if we want to preserve all the teeth and avoid the accumulation of bacteria. At Gross Dentists, we are a dental clinic in Malaga and we have the best team of professions that can help and advise you. If you want to consult with us, do not hesitate to make an appointment.
Ortodoncista especializada en el sistema de ortodoncia invisible, extensa trayectoria profesional y un gran número de pacientes satisfechos con los resultados obtenidos tras la finalización de su tratamiento.