For the complete enjoyment of proper oral health, it is necessary that both the teeth and the mouth are in an optimal state. However, on occasion, these can be altered by certain anomalies or infections.
Throughout this article we will show you all the necessary details so that you know in depth what we call sores and wounds on the palate. But, before starting, we would like to point out that at Gross Dentistas we help you to combat any oral problem that you present.
What are sores and what is their origin?
To know what sores are, it is important to discover what their definition is. Sores correspond to small ulcers that can appear in any area of the mouth: lips, gums, palate.
Canker sores are usually caused by stomach problems, high fevers, oral infections, and even after oral surgery.
Symptoms of sores and wounds on the palate
Like any other pathology or oral infection, sores and wounds on the palate produce certain symptoms in the person who suffers from it. The most common are, without a doubt, general malaise and fever, although it can also cause itching in the affected oral area, in this case, on the palate.
How to heal sores and wounds on the palate
To treat sores and wounds on the palate, there are numerous options that will help you reduce the discomfort of canker sores, while they gradually disappear. But… What are the most effective remedies?
- Mouthwash: For our mouth to enjoy and enjoy the well-being it deserves, it is essential to keep it free of bacteria through a good oral hygiene habit. Using mouthwashes daily will prevent the appearance of infections that interfere with the health of our mouth. Similarly, using it to reduce the discomfort of sores on the palate is a very quick and effective remedy.
- Aloe vera: A homemade and natural trick to reduce the pain and inflammation of canker sores is to apply aloe vera on it. This plant provides numerous benefits and helps eliminate the discomfort they cause.
- Salt: In this case we are faced with one of the most annoying home remedies, but also the most effective. It consists of mixing water with salt to deposit it directly on the ulcer. The saline solution will be unpleasant at first, but you will quickly see how the wounds on the palate improve.
- Ice: We all know that ice is the perfect option to fight any type of infection. Also, applying ice to the area where the sore is will reduce its size and the pain it causes.
There are other remedies to combat sores and wounds on the palate, such as lemon juice, eating an apple after eating, placing tea bags on the canker sore, salt and vinegar rinses, among others.
At Gross Dentistas we help you combat any oral pathology
Now you know all the details about sores and wounds on the palate. The most important thing, in summary, is to maintain a good oral hygiene habit to prevent, as far as possible, its origin and development.
The primary objective of Gross Dentistas is to help you prevent and/or combat any pathology or oral infection that endangers the state of health or aesthetics of your mouth. For this reason, we carry out: implants, endodontics, orthodontic treatments, dental veneers, professional oral cleaning, etc.
If you want more information about sores and wounds on the palate or about any other matter, do not forget to contact us without any commitment… All our specialists will be happy to help you!
Ortodoncista especializada en el sistema de ortodoncia invisible, extensa trayectoria profesional y un gran número de pacientes satisfechos con los resultados obtenidos tras la finalización de su tratamiento.