What is the cause of oral dysbiosis

Qué es la disbiosis oral y cuál es su tratamiento

Oral dysbiosis refers to the imbalance in the bacterial flora of the mouth, which eventually triggers various pathologies. It’s important to know where it appears, the consequences it causes and how to prevent it to maintain optimal health in your mouth.

What is oral dysbiosis?

Oral dysbiosis occurs when the bacterial flora that is naturally found in our mouth is unbalanced, favoring the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. In a healthy mouth, there is a balance between the bacteria that benefit you and those that can potentially cause disease. However, there are some factors such as poor oral hygiene, excessive use of antibiotics, an inadequate diet and stress that can upset the balance, leading to this condition.

This imbalance can lead to problems such as caries, gingivitis, periodontitis and halitosis. In addition, oral dysbiosis can also affect the effectiveness of dental implants, as an inadequate bacterial environment can compromise implant integration with bone, increasing the risk of infections and postoperative complications.

Causes of oral dysbiosis

There are many factors that may contribute to the development of oral dysbiosis. One of the most common is frequent consumption of foods that harm oral health, such as those with sugars and acids, which encourage the reproduction of bacteria that cause caries.

In addition, the improper use of antibiotics can eliminate not only pathogenic bacteria, but also those that benefit us, which facilitates the uncontrolled growth of harmful microorganisms.

Another significant cause is the lack of proper oral hygiene. The build-up of plaque and food scraps creates an ideal environment for growth of harmful bacteria.

Also, stress can alter the production of saliva, a key component in the regulation of oral flora. Without an adequate amount of saliva, a favorable environment for dysbiosis is created, which can result in sensitive teeth and tooth pain.

Symptoms and consequences of oral dysbiosis

Symptoms of oral dysbiosis may vary depending on the severity and pathogens involved. The most common signs include persistent bad breath, bleeding gums, sores and wounds in the mouth, as well as increased tooth sensitivity. In more severe cases, dysbiosis can lead to advanced periodontal disease, which may require more invasive treatments.

In addition, this bacterial imbalance not only affects the oral cavity, but can also have systemic repercussions. Recent studies have suggested that oral dysbiosis is linked to cardiovascular disease, diabetes and respiratory problems, underlining the importance of addressing this problem in time.

How to prevent and treat oral dysbiosis

Prevention of oral dysbiosis is first and foremost by maintaining a rigorous oral hygiene, including proper brushing of teeth, flossing and specific mouthwashes. It is also vital to have a balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, that help maintain a healthy oral environment.

As for treatment, if dysbiosis has already developed, it is essential to go to a dental clinic in Malaga and Torremolinos to receive a diagnosis and proper treatment. Our specialists can provide you with personalized advice and solutions tailored to your needs. We have extensive experience in the treatment of oral pathologies and are committed to the oral health of our patients.

Remember that oral dysbiosis is a problem that can be effectively prevented and treated if addressed in time. Maintain good oral care and regularly check in with your dentist. Your oral health is an investment in your overall well-being.

Ortodoncista Dra. Concha Gross de Bethencourt

Ortodoncista especializada en el sistema de ortodoncia invisible, extensa trayectoria profesional y un gran número de pacientes satisfechos con los resultados obtenidos tras la finalización de su tratamiento.

Doctoralia | Masquemédicos | Topdoctors

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